Friday, June 18, 2010

A early start

Good morning all,what a start to the morning....rush,rush,rush!! Hubby had to take the bakkie in for a service and he overslept,so poor little ol me got dragged out of my snug cocoon and had to help him get ready,empty the bakkie and see him on his way.I wonder how he is  going to pull tomorrow off when he has to get up at 3am to meet Werner at five at the garage on the Krugersdorp highway so they can go do a job in Pretoria....LOL tomorrow is going to be a mission and a half.

Made this animated page last night for the scrap a baby animal challenge,monkeys are cute but please don't keep them as pets they are social creatures that need to be in a group interacting with their own kind and marmoeset monkeys especially are cute but once they reach two years old they start acting up,we were considering buying one until we did our research and discovered that they will attack anyone that is not the primary care giver and will even bite and attack dogs and cats,so we reconsidered my poor dogs don't deserve to have their tails ripped off because we had a urge to buy something cute.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

That's so sweet. xx