Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Made using photoshop brushes and animated in Jasc animation shop 3

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kermaids Kaleidoscope

This weeks challenge page was to create a Kaleidoscope using the feature in Serif digital scrapbook artist 2's photolab..here is my effort using three of my old pages and animated as well

A early start

Good morning all,what a start to the morning....rush,rush,rush!! Hubby had to take the bakkie in for a service and he overslept,so poor little ol me got dragged out of my snug cocoon and had to help him get ready,empty the bakkie and see him on his way.I wonder how he is  going to pull tomorrow off when he has to get up at 3am to meet Werner at five at the garage on the Krugersdorp highway so they can go do a job in Pretoria....LOL tomorrow is going to be a mission and a half.

Made this animated page last night for the scrap a baby animal challenge,monkeys are cute but please don't keep them as pets they are social creatures that need to be in a group interacting with their own kind and marmoeset monkeys especially are cute but once they reach two years old they start acting up,we were considering buying one until we did our research and discovered that they will attack anyone that is not the primary care giver and will even bite and attack dogs and cats,so we reconsidered my poor dogs don't deserve to have their tails ripped off because we had a urge to buy something cute.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A cats life

Made this for the scrap a baby animal challenge at scrapbook flair and as I am currently obsessed with animation,this page is obviously animated.Hubby is breathing a sigh of relief that my twilight obsession is over...not!!

We are currently having freezing cold weather here in South Africa,it is bone chilling cold brrrr .The poor people attending the world cup matches must have thought they were coming to sunny South Africa but nope it's winter here.Apparently it has been so cold that Table Mountain has snow on it

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Made this using Serid digital scrapbook artist 2 and animated in Jasc animation shop 3...just for fun!!

The Cullens

This is for the Eclipse challenge at SBF and as you can see I am still playing with the animation effect

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Twilight challenge

For the Twilight challenges at SBF,all except the last one
This last page was made using Amelia's Twilight and Bella's Love kits as well as Lindalou's and Amelia's summer sizzles kits available here and here

Some of my pages

For the upcoming scrap a hunk challenge

Magic in their toes

Blinking Effect Animation Shop 3


Still playing with Jasc animation shop 3 and saw this tutorial on youtube for blinking eyes..wee bit freaky but had to try


click on the first image to see the animation and here is what it looked like before (see below)

District 9

Been giving animated scrapbooks a try..just my second try so be kind LOL