Louis and I decided to open presents early,I mean plenty of people get their presents on Christmas eve.Louis was very happy with his prezzies.I got him Ammino acid pills and Protein shake,strangely I managed to get the exact kind he wanted without even knowing it.I also got him Two Horror movies-Wrestlemaniac and Grindhouse. He already got Rob Zombies' Halloween and Jeff Dunham Spark of Insanity.
I got a necklace,rechargeable battery unit,memory stick (a cute pink one which fits on my keyring-now my data can travel LOL) and a scanner.I really wanted a scanner.Now Louis says all I need is a new computer but he has the whole of next year to work on that,can't wait.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Freaky Storm last night
Last night we had the most terrible storm,the first hint was when the power went off and then came on again.It was absolutely pouring outside and there was terrible thunder and lightning.Next thing you know out goes the power again and this time it stayed off.
The dogs were petrified well the poodles anyway...the Yorkies not so much.Louis ran to switch off all our computer equipment,just in time too as he pulled the wire out of the router this big blue spark came out of it.
I would not have been impressed if all my techno gadgets had been fried,especially as I just got some of them.
The dogs were petrified well the poodles anyway...the Yorkies not so much.Louis ran to switch off all our computer equipment,just in time too as he pulled the wire out of the router this big blue spark came out of it.
I would not have been impressed if all my techno gadgets had been fried,especially as I just got some of them.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
New Outfits and Look what Happy did to Suki's face
Had a Photoshoot of the puppies in their new outfits.
Look what Happy did to poor Suki's face...can't a puppy get some sleep around here without being slobbered to death by a poodle.

Shelby looks so cute in her little dress.She is much smaller than Suki and doesn't seem to be growing but we will have to wait and see how big she will get.
Photoshoots are so tiring...gotta sleep...even though I woke mommy up at 4am!
Look what Happy did to poor Suki's face...can't a puppy get some sleep around here without being slobbered to death by a poodle.
Shelby looks so cute in her little dress.She is much smaller than Suki and doesn't seem to be growing but we will have to wait and see how big she will get.
Monday, December 22, 2008
From one topic to the other..mind boggling...ready or not ...here we go!
Today we went to Heathway Mall to have breakfast at Wimpy and for Louis to have a haircut.I decided to go to the scrapbbok shop while I waited as I had a R20 voucher from when mom bought stuff there..Jeez but it is so expensive so I just got some paper...I scrapbook on budget LOL.Those people in the magazines realy go to extreme's I mean really who has that kind of money.
We the went to Northgate to exchange PrincessShelbybears doggie outfit,now Suki and Shelby have the same dress,one in pink and one in purple....really,really cute.

Dad was over to do the dogs haircuts....mobile doggie parlour....have scissors...will travel...hehe!!! He brought his little monsters with...I only realise how good Suki and Shelby are after they have been here...noise,mayhem and mess oh my!!
Jamie has been so grumpy today and I was a bit worried,so I boiled him up some chicken and thankfully he ate it.Must be the weather it is hot,hot,hot.
Bought a leeann Rimes DVD and a DVD for mom as well as the Webcam for Dave and Val,now they can see their friends in other countries when they talk to them on Skype.Louis gave me a present early,it was a rechargeable battery set ,so now I can take Photos Yay!! I want to take a video of the two princesses in their new dresses.Way adorable!!
Louis got one prezzie too,his Rob Zombie movie Halloween and a Jeff Dunham,spark of Insanity DVD....Scream your ass off and then laugh your ass off...Freaky!!!
Finally got Louis to get a Facebook account so I can send him virtual goodies...Yay!! I also had to get him a gmail account as both his yahoo and webmail e-mail addresses have gone wonky.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jamie went for his operation
Poor Jamie went for "the" operation today.My dad dropped him off this morning at 7am so he was the "bad" guy and not me.I was so worried that they would lose him that I ran around putting labels on his harness.
Fetched him at 3:30 he was so happy to see me and gave me loads of doggie kisses...Dad even got one the "mean man".The vet took out his milk teeth as well so it was just not poor Jamies' day today
Fetched him at 3:30 he was so happy to see me and gave me loads of doggie kisses...Dad even got one the "mean man".The vet took out his milk teeth as well so it was just not poor Jamies' day today
Monday, December 15, 2008
I hate Mondays

I really,really hate Mondays.
Nothing wants to go right today.
There are ants everywhere.
In the kitchen.
In the dustbin.
In the bathroom
On me.
I really hate Mondays.
The dogs won't listen.
They bark.
they growl.
they yap.
I Love them.
I really hate Mondays.
The house is a mess.
No dish Liquid.
Can't wash dishes
hate washing dishes.
I really hate Mondays
Mondays Suck
Ants Suck
Dishes Suck
Dogs don't suck
Just naughty
Almost Tuesday
I really hate Mondays!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What did we do before Digital cameras and Technology?
My birthday presents this year!!
I have been collecting photos for my website and so far I have some from Maryann and Lisa.My website is almost complete and Louis must just upload it.Yesterday I was putting adsense on my blog (this one) and Louis said he was very impressed that I figured it out so quickly and that it was Java programming....who knew!!
I am glad I did the applied for Adsense,I can earn my own money if enough people click on the ads and can also use it on my website.You have to have a google account and yesterday I saw there was a profile so I updated it and now people can google me..eeek!!!
I still need to get a new cellphone,so I can do mobile blogging and mobile facebook as well.That is on my christmas list as well as a scanner so I can scan all my photos taken in the dark ages before digital cameras eg:my wedding 12 years ago...DARK AGES!!!
I still want to get a fancy camera as I love taking photos ...just not of me.Ipods and things like that are not for me...as I have a hearing loss and cannot wear earphones...well I can but I would suffer the consequences later on in life.I am sure many of today's generation will be joining me soon in that regard.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Got a present
Louis came home from work and his partner Dave gave me R450 for my birthday.Louis and I can now go and have lunch at Black Steer tomorrow.He is watching "Rob Zombies-House of 1000 corpses" at the moment and I am blogging as I don't like those movies...eeek!!
Dad took his pups home,he still needs me to sort them out as he gets confused...he tried to abscond with Suki.It started raining here and Louis couldn't get in...the umbrella went A.W.O.L and brave Dad went to open the gate for Louis...not a easy task as the gate motor is not working so we had to padlock the gate hehe....can you say "Drowned rats" oops sorry I mean Hubby and dad hehe!!
Suki and Shelby went to the door to see what was going on out there,Suki ran onto the grass and got a look of absolute puzzlement on her face as if to say "Mooommm it's dripping on me!" she actually turned her head to look at her back,It was so funny.
Louis was working at this huge house today doing something data related.Anyway the house costs about R35 million and is massive.It has technology everywhere but Louis was puzzled and asked how long the guy had been there,maybe he was bankrupt from buying the house,because there was NO FURNITURE AT ALL.Just open spaces.
Anyway turns out that you press a button and up pops the furniture from the floor.If he watches TV and gets up the Tv goes back into the floor thesame with the lounge,bed etc.Up,down,up,down.....makes one quite dizzy really.I would be scared that the bed would go into the floor at night while I am sleeping.Crazy Dude!!!j
Dad took his pups home,he still needs me to sort them out as he gets confused...he tried to abscond with Suki.It started raining here and Louis couldn't get in...the umbrella went A.W.O.L and brave Dad went to open the gate for Louis...not a easy task as the gate motor is not working so we had to padlock the gate hehe....can you say "Drowned rats" oops sorry I mean Hubby and dad hehe!!
Suki and Shelby went to the door to see what was going on out there,Suki ran onto the grass and got a look of absolute puzzlement on her face as if to say "Mooommm it's dripping on me!" she actually turned her head to look at her back,It was so funny.
Louis was working at this huge house today doing something data related.Anyway the house costs about R35 million and is massive.It has technology everywhere but Louis was puzzled and asked how long the guy had been there,maybe he was bankrupt from buying the house,because there was NO FURNITURE AT ALL.Just open spaces.
Anyway turns out that you press a button and up pops the furniture from the floor.If he watches TV and gets up the Tv goes back into the floor thesame with the lounge,bed etc.Up,down,up,down.....makes one quite dizzy really.I would be scared that the bed would go into the floor at night while I am sleeping.Crazy Dude!!!j
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Rates cut

Yippee they have finally cut the interest rates by 5o basis points,this year was a pain,6 rate hikes in one year.Just when you thought you had your budget worked out then up goes the interest rate and in the dustbin goes your budget.

Now I will have more money for the internet...because I am addicted.It has been wonderful having the internet,I thought all I really wanted to do was download Sims Stuffies but surprise,surprise I have hardly played since I got the internet because I have been so busy on YP and YT,Facebook and Myspace.

Louis says that Dave has changed his mind about working through Christmas,so maybe now I will be able to get out and go somewhere.He is gonna be sorry...I want to go to Gold reef city,some game reserves,shopping,to Sun city and wherever else I can find.

Saw a froggie

I saw a frog in the garden last night,I had to take a picture,but I think I blinded the poor thing.Usually the dogs go wild when they see frogs and will spend hours following it around the garden,Jessie did lick one once but she hasn't done it since.Luckily they never saw it this time and the frog was free to go about his froggie business.
New photos of puppies
Took some photos of the puppies yesterday,they are getting so big.Dads puppies are doing well at his place but are happy to come here and play with their sisters and the big dogs.Have been trying to get the hang of my new mousepen it is hard but I did manage to make a mess of several e-mails I sent mom hehe!!
I tried to take some photos of myself but I am totally not photogenic ,usually I run far away when I see the camera pointed in my direction,I will get my hair done and then try again sob!
Louis is working right through Christmas,Dave accepted a new job at Melrose Arch,so there goes all my plans up in smoke!I have been working on my website and am mostly finished except for a few things Louis must do and I have also been working on Cheyennes website,hers is going to look so cute.I put dolls on it and am making her a page for her Ireland trip...much easier than scrapbooking and less mess.
Gypsey seems to be on heat,I am not sure,but it seems so,you would have thought she would of done it when the others did but nooooo......out with the panties again.As soon as the car is paid up in March everyone furry is going to the vet!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Well the time has come
Well the moment is upon us,Sasha and Sebastian are going to their new home.I am sad that they are leaving but happy to know I will still see them.This is the reason why I could never,ever,ever become a breeder...I would never be able to sell the puppies.They played up a storm today and are absolutely exhausted at the moment.My dad will be a good puppy daddy as I know he loves animals just like I do.
Puppies weighed
The puppies were weighed on friday.
Suki= 1,15 kg
Sebastian=1,2 kg
Sasha= 1,6kg
This picture is of Shelby looking so cute in the food scale.I thought she weighed less but I tested the scale by weighing a packet of sugar and it was working.She is still really small though and is already going silver on top...she is going to look like Jamie...a real daddy's girl!!
Sasha escaped the doggie den this morning,Louis found her playing with the cat..."ssshhhh don't tell the other cats...still have a image to uphold...can't let them know I am owned by 7 dogs"(Meowki)
Christmas is in 2 weeks
OMG, it is two weeks till Christmas and I have still not bought one single,solitary present.I am still waiting for Louis to get his bonus so the spending can begin hehe!!I scored big time for my birthday and got a George Forman Grill,a 22 inch Plasma screen for the computer and a mousepen (ha finally managed to send a e-mail with my signature)
Have been talking to Cheyenne on Facebook,she came to visit the other day with Mom and apparently she has done really well at school and is now in Std 7 (Grade 8 I think) ,times have really changed since I was in school,Louis and I were just discussing the other day that when we were in school,you used to go sit in the courtyard at lunch and now it's mobiles,internet,facebook,myspace etc.I mean they sms each other instead of talking too each other.I suppose it is a good thing though because Storm was overseas in England and she and Cheyenne could still speak to each other on Facebook.
Pic:My cousin Cheyenne holding Shelby and Suki
Have been talking to Cheyenne on Facebook,she came to visit the other day with Mom and apparently she has done really well at school and is now in Std 7 (Grade 8 I think) ,times have really changed since I was in school,Louis and I were just discussing the other day that when we were in school,you used to go sit in the courtyard at lunch and now it's mobiles,internet,facebook,myspace etc.I mean they sms each other instead of talking too each other.I suppose it is a good thing though because Storm was overseas in England and she and Cheyenne could still speak to each other on Facebook.
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